Shaw, A., & Friesem, E. (2016). Where is the Queerness in Games?: Types of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Content in Digital Games. International Journal Of Communication, 10, 13.

Adrienne Staw and Elizaveta Friesem 2016. explores the ways in which LGBTQ+ identities are portrayed and shown in video game media. Shaw & Friesem collected data from 300 hundred games with over 500 examples of queer characters or plot lines and placed them into nine categories. These games have been made over the last thirty years. The categories are characters which also has character gender as a part of this section. Relationships/romance/sex this section includes stereotypes that code a character as LGBTQ+. Actions are any actions that let you challenge hetro-normative actions. Locations these are just queer coded locations such as a gay nightclub or other location. Mentions are subtle hints that these issues exist in the world but are not the primary focus. This section is combined with the artifacts and traits. Queer games/narratives focus on queer narratives and the experiences of queer people. The final section focuses on homophobia/transphobia. This is a categorization method and is useful for analytical purposes. There aren’t any questions besides why they chose the categories that they did and how they affect the data that they found.


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