Dillion, J. (2015). Gamers, Community, and Charity
This is an interview with Jamie Dillion, a member of the child's play charity, a charity that acquires video game hardware and software for kids in need. This interview comes from a larger book called Thinking About Video Games: Interviews with the Experts by Heineman. This interview fails to answer any questions or prove anything other than gamers can do good things if they really feel like it and that videogame equipment such as the kinect can help to rehabilitate physical therapy patients. There is no methodology for this piece since no scientific research took place nor any kind of data collection
“Technology associated with video games is becoming more useful in a large number of ways. For example, the Microsoft Kinect is now being used to help stroke victims regain movement” (Opening of interview).
This article may be helpful for showing how games have gone beyond the basement dwelling stigma associated with them from the past and are now helping real world people. I would not use this article for it has no scientific merit behind it. Although Dillion is credible in the sense that he’s respected within the gaming community, nothing was proven here in a scientific sense.
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