LeBlanc, Allana G Pokémon Go: A game changer for the physical inactivity crisis? (2016)
LeBlanc, Allana G. (2017). Pokémon Go: A game changer for the physical inactivity crisis?. Preventive Medicine, 101, 235-237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.11.012
In this article the main purpose is to show how Pokemon GO can be a life changer when it comes to the change in physical activity. They talk about people from all age groups not having enough physical activity.
In this article the main purpose is to show how Pokemon GO can be a life changer when it comes to the change in physical activity. They talk about people from all age groups not having enough physical activity.
This article has 25 references but, it is hard to find the concrete data. Compared to the previous article the data was harder to find. This article brings in different reports from other sources about physical activity. The article was written in July of 2016 which is the same month that the game came out therefore there was not enough time to do a long study for the best information it was also written in Canada which is a healthier is country then America is as a whole.
There is not enough information on the harms from Pokemon GO. From this article I need a article that had a longer time for the game to be out. I also need more data. How long did the “hype of the game” last? How often would a person need to be active in the game in order to be more physically active?
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